首页>技术支持>SSL证书安装指南 - Cobalt XTR

SSL证书安装指南 - Cobalt XTR

a. Fetch your certificate

You will receive an email when your certificate is issued..Copy and Paste your certificate to a text editor

b. Install your WoSign certificate

1. Under the Site Management (<sitename>) tab, select Site Settings > SSL on the left side. The Certificate Subject Information table appears.

2. Highlight and remove the information currently in the "Certificate" window.

3. On the Web site or in the email from the external certification authority, highlight and copy the information received.

4. Return to the Server Desktop UI and paste the new certificate information that you copied in Step 3 into the "Certificate" window.

5. Select Use manually entered certificate from the pull-down menu at the bottom.

6. Click Save Changes.

5. Reboot the server.
