首页>技术支持>SSL证书安装指南 - Oracle Wallet Manager

SSL证书安装指南 - Oracle Wallet Manager

To install a Certificate in Oracle Wallet Manager, please follow the instructions listed below:

Note : Before you install the Certificate issued, you are required to import the Trusted Root Certificate into Oracle Wallet Manager.

You can import a User Certificate into a wallet in either two ways:

1) Paste the User Certificate which can be downloaded from the Certificate Authority
2) Import the User Certificate which was downloaded from the Certificate Authority and saved to a text file.

Pasting the User Certificate :

1. Download and copy the Certificate issued by the Certificate Authority.

*Include the lines -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----

2. From the menu bar, choose 'Operations > Import User Certificate'
The 'Import Certificate' dialog box appears.

3. Choose the 'Paste the Certificate' button and choose 'OK'
An 'Import Certificate' dialog box appears with the following message:
"Please provide a base64 format certificate and paste it below."

4. Paste the certificate into the dialog box and choose 'OK'
A message at the bottom of the window confirms that the certificate was successfully installed.

You are then returned to the 'Oracle Wallet Manager' main panel and the wallet status changes to 'Ready'.

Importing the User Certificate from a saved text file :

1. Download and copy the Certificate issued by the Certificate Authority.

*Include the lines -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE-----

2. Copy and paste the output from the website into a Notepad and save it locally on your PC/server with a .txt extension.

3. From the menu bar, choose 'Operations > Import User Certificate'

4. Choose the 'Select a file...' certificate button and choose 'OK'.
The 'Import Certificate' dialog box appears.

5. Enter the path or folder name of the certificate location.

6. Select the name of the certificate file.

7. Choose 'OK'.
A message at the bottom of the window confirms that the certificate was successfully installed.

You are then returned to the 'Oracle Wallet Manager' main panel and the wallet status changes to 'Ready'.


Remember to save changes to the Wallet before closing the Wallet.
