首页>技术支持>SSL证书安装指南 - Plesk 6.0

SSL证书安装指南 - Plesk 6.0

a. Fetch your certificate

1.You will receive an email when your certificate is issued.

2.Select the 'Standard certificate' format option to download your issued certificate.

3.Copy and Paste your certificate (first certificate) to a text editor (Notepad) and save the file with a .txt extension.

4. Copy and Paste the Intermediate Certificate (second certificate) to a text editor (Notepad) and save the file with a .txt extension.

b. Installing your Certificate:

1. At the certificate repository page, click on the 'ADD' button. You will be taken to the SSL certificate creation page.

2. In the Upload certificate files section of the page, use the Browse button to locate the certificate issued by thawte .

3. Click SEND FILE. This will upload your certificate to the repository.

You can upload a certificate in two ways:

1. Choose a file from the local network and click on the 'SEND FILE' button (.txt files only).

2. Copy and paste the certificate and private key into the text fields and click on the SEND TEXT button.

c. Install the Intermediate Certificate:

The CA Intermediate Certificate is used to identify and authenticate the certificate authority (CA), which has issued your Cert. Please upload the Intermediate certificate using the following steps:

1. At the certificate repository page, select a certificate from the list. You will be taken to the SSL certificate properties page.

2. In the Upload certificate files section of the page, use the Browse button to locate the Intermediate Certificate.

3. Click SEND FILE. This will upload the Intermediate CA Certificate to the repository.

You can upload a certificate in two ways:

1. Choose a file from the local network and click on the 'SEND FILE' button (.txt files only).

2. Copy and paste the CA Intermediate Certificate into the text field and click on the SEND TEXT button.
