Products Comparison
Product Features | WoSign | VeriSign | Thawte | GeoTrust |
Browser Ubiquity(Accepted Browsers) | ||||
Price: SGC enable OV SSL | $499.00 | $995.00 | $699.00 | N/A |
Price: OV SSL | $209.00 | $599.00 | $249.00 | $399.00 |
Price: DV SSL | $69.00 | N/A | $149.00 | $69.00 / $299.00 |
Price: Code Signing Certificate | $229.00 | $499.00 | $299.00 | N/A |
Speed of Issuance | 10 minutes | 3-5 days | 1-2 days | 1-3 days |
Multi Year Options | Up to 10 years | Up to 3 years | Up to 2 years | Up to 5 years |
IDN domain & Certificate Field non-English language Support | All | No | Some | No |
Multi-Domain Support | Yes | No | No | No |
SGC Enable | Yes, Two OID/td> | Yes, One OID | Yes, one OID | No |
Code signing Support Windows 2000/98/95 | Yes | Yes | Yes | N/A |
Provide Free Time Stamp URL | Yes | Yes | No | N/A |
Site Seal Chinese Support | Yes | No | No | No |
Customized Certificate Support | Yes | No | No | No |
China Local Customer Support Levels | Support in Chinese, Tel,Email,Web,LiveHelp |
No, reseller limited support | No, reseller limited support | No, reseller limited support |