WoSign Partner Programs - Affiliates worldwide
The WoSign Trust Network of Global Affiliates provides customers worldwide with security services for individuals, small/medium businesses and large enterprises. These trusted partners offer the advantages of local presence, local language, and digital certificate products and services tailored to local markets.
• Europe
We are developing WoSign Trust Network now, Join us!
WoSign provide SSL certificates, code signing certificates and client certificates. All certificates have the same Browser Ubiquity, and it have very competitive price, here are the main advantages ( Comparison chart ):
(1) Browser Ubiquity: Support 99.9% browser servers including IE, FireFox, Opera, NetScape, AOL, Mozilla and Safari. The root CA is UTN that embedded in above browsers;
(2) Price: very competitive price
(3) All languages support: WoSign certificates support all languages in the world, that means you can input any languages in certificate subject like local language organization name, locality, common name etc., not JUST English, to meet the local language request easily;
(4) SGC technology support: Server-Gated Cryptography (SGC) - enabled certificates is very important for E-commerce web sites that use SGC can assure customers of stronger encryption, greater privacy and reduced risks of fraud and identity theft. Now only few CA support SGC technology;
(5) Code signing certificate ubiquity: WoSign code signing certificate for Microsoft Authenticode support Windows 2000, XP and Vista , no need to update Windows root certificate. And WoSign provide free time stamp URL service for code signing certificate customers;
(6) IDN support: SSL certificate support International Domain Names like 沃通.com, that means WoSign SSL certificate support all worldwide languages domain;
(7) Fast issuance: WoSign have an innovation vetting method to verify applicant's true identify fast and safety so that we can issue the high assurance certificate instantly;
(8) Dynamic site seal: WoSign site seal is generated dynamically to protect customer's true identity, and display a live date stamp and/or company name.
From about advantages analysis, you can see that WoSign digital certificate not only have the strong technical features, but most important feature is it can meet your local language certificate request. So join us to be our local affiliate trust network to provide local support, contact us now, you have a big surprise for the good discount and lower entry term.