CSR Generation Instruction - Lotus Notes Domino
An Important Note Before You Start
By far the most common problem users have when going through this process is related to private keys. If you lose or cannot access a private key, you cannot use the certificate we issue to you and will need to request a free reissue. To ensure this never happens, we advise that a backup of the private key file is made and that a note is made of the password that is used to protect the export of the private key.
To generate a CSR for Lotus Domino 4.x follow the instructions follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Open Domino SSL Administration
These instructions assume that you have Domino up and running.
From your Notes station, File->Database->Open (Ctrl-O).
Select "Domino SSL Administration".
You'll see a window that is entitled "About Domino SSL Administration - Design".
At the bottom is says "Click to here to setup and manage SSL on your site".
Click on the text or keys.
Step 2: SSL Administration
The Domino SSL Administration Page has 5 top-level menu sections. They'll spread out across the page, so look carefully at the structure of the document before rushing in.
Create Key Ring - Self-Certification
Create Key Ring - Commercial Certification
Create Key Ring - Internal Certification
Certificate Authority - Create Certificate Authority Key Ring
Certificate Authority - Certify Certificate Request
You want number 2, "Create Key Ring - Commercial Certification". This has 3 steps. We will walk you through them carefully.
1. Create Key Ring and Certificate Request
Click on the button for "Create key ring and certificate request".
You'll see a dialog box pop up.
Fill in the Distinguished Name fields carefully.
The CommonName field must be the host part of your https URL's.
It can be an alias, like www.wotrust.com . But it must be the full domain name of the server, not just the host name.
For a "Key Name" say "secure server key".
Whatever key ring password you choose, make sure it is secure and you will remember it.
The CSR is CertReq.txt, and the key is keyfile.kyr, and they are created in the Notes\Data directory.
Back up your key file (keyring.kyr) and certificate request (CertReq.txt).
Your certificate will be useless without keyfile.kyr.
Start the certificate request process
To submit the CSR to WoSign for processing you should start the certificate enrollment process.