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home>Support>SSL Certificates Installation Instruction - O`Reilly WebSite Professional Server

SSL Certificates Installation Instruction - O`Reilly WebSite Professional Server

After you receive your server's certificate from the CA, the next step is to attach the certificate to the key. to do so, follow these steps:

1. Save the certificate into a text file. The certificate should be in standard format and start with,

and end with:

Make sure that you include the BEGIN and END lines in the certificate file. We recommend you name the certificate file so that it is identified with the server to which it belongs, for example, webs-cert.txt or web-cert.pem.
2. Open Server Properties (enter the Key Ring password if requested) and click Key Ring.
3. Right Click the appropriate certificate request (identified by the key-question mark icon and the name of the server for which you requested the certificate) from the lost and select Attach Certificate from the context menu. A file browse window appears. Make sure you have selected the correct server before attaching the certificate.
4. Located the certificate file you saved in Step 1.
5. Click Open to attach the certificate to the request in the Key Ring. The file browse window closes and the certificate request changes to a full certificate (green key, no question mark icon) in the Key Ring window.
6. Close Server Properties to update the server.
7. Immediately copy the Key Ring database to the floppy disk. The database file is wesite.key located in the \WebSite\admin directory. Store this backup on a removable disk; it contains your server's private key, CSR and certificate.