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Wosign Signature Tool Operation Manual

Ⅰ.Procedure Description

Wosign Signature Tool provides a visual interface for the Windows platform code signing, supports batch signatures, a variety of executable files, signature for package files, making it very easy and convenient for code signing.

Ⅱ.Operating environment

Windows XP and the above Version

Ⅲ.Operation steps

1. Download the Wosign Signature Tool wosigncode.exe, and save it in local path;

2. Run wosigncode.exe as administrator, then you can enter the user interface of Wosign Signature Tool;

3. Code signing instructions.

a. Run the Wosign Signature Tool; choose the certificate for the code signing.
b. Select the file you want to sign in the Selection blank.
c. Select the mode of signing under the signature catalogs.
d. Click on “sign” button,execute the signing operation, and wait till it is finished.

4. Additional Signing Operating Instructions.

wosigncode_inputface_2 wosigncode_inputface_3

5. CSR Operations Instruction.


6. Instructions of certificate operations.

6.1 Certificate installation.
6.2 Create PFX.
6.3 Create SPC.

7. CAB /CAT Operating Instructions.

a. Select the files that need to be zipped in the selecting frame. The selecting method and operation interface , button function are all the same with code signing files instructions.
b. Execute the operations, click on the buttons according to your needs in the operation frame.

8. Additional instructions.

a. When a new version of Wosign Signature Tool comes out, “a new version out" link in red font will be placed in the original "Check Version" position, click on the link to enter the update page, and download the latest version of Wosign Signature Tool.
b. If you have better suggestions or comments for signature tools, please click on the "Feedback" link to fill in your precious recommendations, and then submit it.
c. For business consulting, technical support, you can click on the "Contact Us" link, the relevant Wosign staff will help you.
d. If you need to purchase the code signing certificates, SSL certificates etc. Please click on the "Buy certificate online" link, enter WoSign official website for certificate purchase.